Found in Kwale County off the Shimoni and Wasini islands, this is the home to dolphins. The highlight of a trip to Kisite Mpunguti is seeing dolphins swimming in the azure blue waters. Unspoiled, beautiful and sun kissed, the Kisite Marine Park was established to protect the scenic islands and special habitats of a wide range of endemic marine animals and breeding migratory birds. It lies in the coral gardens south of Wasini Island and encompasses three small coral rag forest islands, each with considerable areas of fringing reef. Kisite is one of the most rewarding snorkeling locations at the coast. Visitors can also enjoy bird watching, diving and of course, sunbathing.
Now if you know about the Great Migration in Maasai Mara, you might be intrigued to learn that we have another migration often witnessed in this area. The whales in Kenya arrive to breed and calf, mothers hugging the tropical coastline to protect calves from marine predators. It is thought that they travel from along the Shimoni Archipelago in the south to the north of Kenya and beyond to Somali waters.